2014년 10월 2일 목요일


last week happened something that made me cry so hard
i felt alone and very miss my home at that moment
but the next day i told myself all is well
i told myself it was just a mission that this world wanna made me know
i already grew up and i could not like a baby just cry every moment
this social was very cruel and nobody will like the secondary school's friends
gave me a hug
this was to tell me that i had a lot of friends and family who love me so much
i miss them and i will be brave
i can do it xinyeechong

this week was a new life for me.
i went to everywhere alone
i began to protect myself
began to be alone not with a few friends went out
i did not pleased anyone
i just be myself
i knew that only myself won't betray me all the moment
if someone did't not want to be with me and i won't force them
i just felt that it was okay lahh never mind^^ because i like alone too

actually i felt relax
as i could do myself but not to follow
i won't remember how the other people looked at me
i just felt happy and peace

but i hope i won't be cold every moment
i hope i can smile at every time


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