2011년 1월 23일 일요일

i know..^^thank you^^

very good…very nice
how can i think that there is really a man who can waiting for me..
that is imposibble..
today i finally know……

but i am not blame you
that is not your fault……
is me..
i am the person who give up u
so i always tell myself
if one day there is another person who can let him smile again
and they together..
it is ok
i already know^^

but that was not the fact!!
he continued being nice to me
he will also sms to me every night just to say "good night"to me
when my stomach feel hurt ,he will buy me a chocolate
then i feel very happy and happiness^^
and i become a silly girl on that moment..
i think he will always be with me^^
my friends envy me..
also happy too

if i feel sad,
he will become the person who comfort me
and i will cry as i miss him

now i know..
we really can't together anymore..
maybe he is feeling tired..
maybe he is being loved with another girl..
no mather what the reasons are..
that is alright..^^
i feel very happiness to have him ..
he is really a nice man..

wish him happy+healthy ^^
friendship 4ever..
thank you

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